Jessie Stanley was featured on as a previously ‘invisible’ women in Australian graphic design.

Jessie Stanley was featured on as a previously ‘invisible’ women in Australian graphic design.

Period Pride Report:
Bloody Big Survey Findings

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Share the Dignity is on a mission to end period poverty in Australia and they know that in order to do so a multi-pronged approach is required. Yes, they need to get period products into the hands of those that are unable to afford them, but they also need to remove the shame and stigma associated with menstruation through education.

If we can’t comfortably talk about periods, we can’t address period poverty.

The Period Pride Report was written in order to change this conversation, smash the shame and stigma around periods, and more importantly, ensure that all Australians have access to education around menstruation and period products when they need them.

The Bloody Big Survey on menstruation was launched on International Women’s Day 2021 with the aim to make an on the ground difference in ending period poverty. Share the Dignity required evidence-based data to prove the social, personal, and financial impacts of menstruation among Australians.

The survey was run online for 13 weeks from 1 March to 31 May in 2021 and a total of 125,205 people participated in the survey. We recognise the crucial research conducted through other surveys in Australia recently, but a brief review of these shows that the Bloody Big Survey has the largest number of participants. It was an analysis of this data that was compiled into the Period Pride Report.


Data and insights visualised in the report paint a dim picture of period poverty in Australia.