Can you name a female graphic designer?

Recently the 'Invisible: Women in Australian Graphic Design' survey asked stakeholders in the industry to, “List women who you’ve felt made a ‘significant contribution’ to the field of graphic design in Australia from 1960 onwards.”. The results proved that there are plenty of female graphic designers in Australia who have made contributions deemed significant by their peers. But they also showed that people generally struggled to name more than one.

Below are visual explorations of some of the data collected. A series of three postcards with simple information graphics were distributed on the Billy Blue College of Design campus in Melbourne, Australia. Red cellophane was used to play with the visibility of the data.

POSTCARD ONE - Number of respondents
How the postcard appears with and without the red cellophane overlay.

POSTCARD TWO - Gender breakdown
How the postcard appears with and without the red cellophane overlay.

POSTCARD THREE - Average response
How the postcard appears with and without the red cellophane overlay.

How many female Australian graphic designers can you name? Add your contributions below...